12 Habits for Success - Integrity

12 Habits for Success - Integrity

1 клас, 2 клас, 3 клас, 4 клас, 5 клас, 6 клас, 7 клас, 1 grade, 2 grade, 3 grade, 4 grade, 5 grade, 6 grade
  Try it out
  • Slide image
  • Image for quiz
    Have you ever heard the word integrity? ´Have a look at these pictures and try to guess which is NOT showing integrity.
    Image for quiz answer
    Image for quiz answer
    Image for quiz answer
    Image for quiz answer
  • Let's find out what exactly integrity is.
  • Image for quiz
    After buying food in the school canteen, you realize the seller gave you an extra 2 € with your change. What will you do?
    Keep the money
    Return 1 €
    Share it with friends
    Return 2 €
  • Image that adds addition information to an open question
    Someone has dropped his wallet in front of you. What will you do?
    • Contains "return"
    • Contains "give"
    • Contains "call"
  • Who is NOT showing integrity?
    Pick the correct location on this image
  • Let's recall
    Slide image
    • Resolve
      solve problems
    • Empathy
      interact with others
    • Respect
      work in diverse teams
    • Generosity
      give support or help
  • 12 habits
    Other habits
    Being negative
    Nose picking
    Unhealthy eating
  • Image that adds addition information to an open question
    What is your favourite habit (from the 12 Habits for success)
    • Contains "Confidence"
    • Contains "Organization"
    • Contains "Resolve"
    • Contains "Generosity"
    • Contains "Passion"
    • Contains "Honesty"
    • Contains "Equity"
    • Contains "Respect"
    • Contains "Integrity"
    • Contains "control"
    • "patience"
    • Contains "empathy"
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